Romans 9–11

An Exegetical, Expositional, and Applicational Commentary

Coming Soon!

It would be difficult to overestimate the significance and importance of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans in the biblical text and the history of Christianity. The letter provides affirmation and elaboration on many central doctrines in Christianity. In the present volume the author builds upon his earlier work, The Isaianic New Exodus in Romans 9–11, and offers a commentary on Romans 9–11 that discusses the textual criticism, Greek exegetical points, the biblical theology/exposition,  practical application of each verse or section of those chapters.

Sullivan addresses difficult theological concepts found in these chapters of Romans such as the doctrine of divine election and hardening of the human heart. He also studies Israel’s present rejection of their Savior, Messiah Jesus, as illustrated from Paul’s use of horticultural lessons of grafting olive branches into the olive tree. Further, the commentary helps readers understand ethnic Israel’s rejection of Jesus, the duration of their rejection, and her final salvation in the future.

About the Author

Steven P. Sullivan is a retired Distinguished Professor of the College of Biblical Studies-Houston, Texas. He earned a Th.M. and D.Min. at Dallas Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. at the University of Wales Trinity St. David, UK. He has done post-doctoral research at Tyndale House, Cambridge, England.

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