Roman History and Biblical Wisdom

If one looks closely at Roman history, there is much to learn—especially when viewed through the lenses of faith and Scripture.


History is filled with events, personalities, and analogies that illustrate biblical ideas and truths. Sixty such glimpses from Roman history are presented in this devotional volume. Readers will learn of Rome and its empire in its glory and in its decline. The Roman world proclaimed its virtues, power, and accomplishments; yet it was defeated by internal vice and external forces and tribes deemed by the Romans to be inferior and only worthy of contempt. If one looks closely at Roman history, there is much to learn—especially when viewed through the lenses of faith and Scripture. Among the topics covered are:

• Caesar and the Rubicon River
• Caligula
• Togas and Roman Baths
• Festival of Saturn
• Christian Persecution
• Boudicca
• Roman Legions
• Pompeii
• Roman and Biblical Bethlehem
• Domitian
• The Ides of March
• Mavia
• Spartacus
• Hadrian’s Wall

About the Author

Robert Freiberg, M.Div., Th.M., D.Min., is an adjunct professor at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. He previously taught theology and church history at Southern California Seminary. He also serves as editor of the AGC Journal. He served as an active duty Navy chaplain for 27 years.
Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 2 in

Kindle – .ePub format, Soft Cover
