Muses of a Fire


Essays on Faith, Film and Literature


Western culture has a rich and vibrant legacy of literature, art, music, and more recently, film. They can be touchpoints for the soul. Themes woven through the centuries have created a tapestry that offers much for the eye, the ear, and the soul. Perhaps the greatest theme is that of love which is experienced by individuals as a reflection of the love of God.

In fifteen essays the author writes of the beauty and marvel of the West’s cultural interaction with the idea of love in its many manifestations—love and power, love and science, love and technology. Culture is more than materialism and humans are more than the biological sum of atoms.

People such as Dante and Dostoevksy, Augustine and Austen, Lucas and Lewis, and Shakespeare and a score of others remind us of the power of creativity to enrich culture and the soul. Through these essays we understand better what it means to flourish as individuals created in and bearing the image of God.

About the Author:

Paul Krause is the Editor-in-Chief of Voegelin View. The author of several books, he is a frequent writer on the arts, classics, literature, religion and, and politics for numerous newspapers, magazines, and journals.

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